WorkFarce Wizard


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Comments by: YACCS

Thursday, September 06, 2001

I want to run fucking screaming naked through the city. I want to get this goddamn house taken care of so that I can deal with the next stage of stress, which, I assume, will be taking care of the house. I want to quit my job and do something that means something to somebody. Everybody I deal with every day hates their job. It's fucking soulless. I'm not helping anyone, not even with anything simple like television. The only thing I'm doing is helping big fucking companies become even bigger, and I'm sick to death of it.

And it's not going to change.

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

I've just had a fucking pisser of a day. Boring conference call meant to make me feel guilty about not being billable more. Now news on the house, nothing, nada. I feel like crap. I think I need to pull myself out of my funk before Marie gets royally pissed at me.

Fuckitty fuck fuck fuck.

Never ever gonna get the house. Never.

Another conference call full of BS. "Why aren't you more utilized?" Well, because I 'm not trained in a lot of stuff. "Why aren't you trained?" Because the company has cut out all internal training. "Well, can you get into a training?" No. "Oh. Well, we have to get you more utilized." No shit.

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

But the eaves are painted and the banisters are up.

Well, I said I was betting on Wednesday, and it sure as hell ain't today. It might not even be this week, since there are roof problems . . . . AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 03, 2001

Yep. We drove by the house today, and the eaves aren't painted and the banister's not up. I'm just hoping the roof does pass inspection, so that we don't have to wait even longer.

Apparantly, the railing for the sliding door that opens onto nothing is being taken from a futon frame. That won't last.

Our realtor is assurring me that we'll close tomorrow. I'm betting on Wednesday, myself.

Sunday, September 02, 2001

Today, we did as little as possible. Troy got in trouble for leaving without telling us where he was going. We went to Walmart to buy a few things, ended up, of course, getting more than I planned on.

I'm starting to get a titch worried about $$,