BTW, HERE is a photo of the new house, taken from space. It's the one in the middle, with all the damn trees. Pretty damned cool, if you ask me. Which you didn't.
And now there are bomb threats. Tons of bomb threats. Maybe we deserved to get taken down. The absolute fucking balls of some people, thinking that they it's funny, or powerful, to call in a bomb threat at a time like this. It's revolting.
And the opportunists, trying to make money off this tragedy. Makes me sick, too.
Question: Why isn't Bush surveying New York? He should be walking thru the rubble, not sitting at home. And, yes, he looked at the Pentagon, but . . . .
The next night, another day of watching the news, numb. It's sunk in that this wasn't just a dream, a nightmare, a fucking acid flashback, anything but what it really is. Our country has been raped. We got turned over and fucked up the ass, hard, with 4 airplanes. There was nothing we could do about it, absolutely nothing. It was too fast, too violent. I have to wonder how much else was planned, what the 4th jet was meant to do - they say the White House, but that doesn't quite sound right to me.
According to the reports I've read and seen, and with some serious extrapolation and imagination on my part, there were 3 men on the 4th jet who knew what was going on, or, at least, knew that they had been hijacked and worked to stop it. Based on the timing of that crash, and the fact that they had conversations with people outside, they probably knew that the plane was going to be used as a weapon, and refused to allow it. The pilot may have still been alive and helped, maybe dumped the fuel.
And the police, and firefighters, and doctors, and bystanders, and pretty damn near everybody we've heard about has been heroic. Which (he says cynically) is exactly what you should see right now from a media perspective. We must show our people as being brave, and theirs (whoever they are) as cowards. That's very important for the coming war.
And war there will be. And we will, eventually, win. I don't know how it will be fought. I don't know how long it will take. I don't know how much it will cost. But with NATO, and (very shortly) the UN, and pretty much every fucking government, including CUBA, for God's sake, behind us, whoever did this has no hope whatsoever.
We bought black cloth today, and have cut it into armbands. I don't know how long we'll wear them. Trystan and Troy and Shannon all want to wear them. I cannot believe the surge of patriotism that is sweeping through me, but, goddamn, there it is.
They have new footage of the second plane striking the World Trade center today. It's absolutely fucking evil. When I was younger, I used to throw knives, and that's exactly what this looked like, a knife being thrown into a tree trunk. But this knife had over 100 people in it, and the tree had 10s of 1000s. As it struck, I wanted to vomit.
Well. Anyone reading this probably knows what's happened today - the World Trade Center has been destroyed by terrorists, who hijacked a total of 4 planes. They crashed two planes into the WTC, one into each building, one into the Pantagon, completely taking out one of the sides, and one crashed into the ground ~ 80 miles outside of Pittsburgh. Theories abound as to who did it, why they did it, where the 4th plane was going . . . . The most popular choice for culprit is Osama bin Laden. This seems too convenient to me.
Marie and I have been sitting, sucking up information. Following the stories on different channels on both televisions, checking various websites over and over and over again, having discussions on The Rant, talking to people, answering e-mails. Anything to keep us from feeling so impotent, so useless, so afraid. Jesus God, they fucking crashed a plane into these buildings! It's like a bad movie, or a Tom Clancy novel. And yet, it's real. The deaths from the airplanes alone (266) were more than were killed in the Oklahoma City bombing.
I can't watch it any more. It's been on for 10+ hrs. It's all I've seen or done all day. I need to change the channel.