Friday, February 22, 2002
To Sleep, Perchance To Dream
I almost never remember my dreams, and, when I do, they're mostly just weird, nonsensical things that make me understand that dreams are mostly just the brain firing off randomly. Last night, however, I had two doozys.
First, I dreamed that Marie and the boys were going down to Blanding, and, for some reason, the boys were in a car ahead of Marie, except Shannon, who was riding in the bus Marie was driving, which was packed full of stuff. The bus crashed, somehow, and Marie's last act was to give Shannon her cell phone and throw him out of the bus. He called me from the side of the road. Just then, a new issue of Newsweek (to which I don't subscribe) arrived, where it had complete coverage of her death, including photos and the lovely fact that she died in a puddle of her own vomit. CNN had helicopters and everything there, so it made it easy for me to tell people, I just had them change the channel on their TV.
I woke up sobbing into Marie's back at around 4am, and had to sit up for a little while before I could go back to sleep feeling that I wouldn't just slip back into the same dream.
Then, when I woke up this morning, I was having another dream, this one that Diana had died in an airplane, but not in a crash. Dad and John and I were sitting in a car outside the hospital saying our last goodbyes, and Diana's non-corporeal body as squatting by the side of the car, when Dad decided to drive off, and her spirit got tangled up in the tires.
Needless to say, it was a rough night.
10:35 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2002
These Foolish Things
So, I joined the Workforce Practice, in part to be busier. Thus far, I've been utilized for a total of about 3 weeks, with nothing more on the horizon right now. How silly is that?
Starting to work on some poetry for this writing contest. We'll see what happens, but I don't expect anything, except, perhaps, to get some writing done. Been a while.
Finally managed to get ahold of DotNow to cancel the membership I signed up for during the brief time we didn't have DSL. Since I couldn't get their software to work, I never used it, but have been charged every month or so. Now they say that I have to send them proof that I paid for it - like they don't have that proof, themselves. But, I'm willing to try jumping through their hoops briefly.
The Jazz are on a roll lately, having won 6 in a row on the road due to the Olymp-diddly-impics. Which is a whole 'nother tirade right there.
So, do I think I'm ready to put this thing public? Not quite yet.
10:43 AM