The online blatherings of a telco-techno-missionary of sorts, interspersed with brief moments of near lucidity.
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Comments by: YACCS
US President Le Duc Tho 10:23 AM Comments? Qustions? Concerns?
Well, this is vaguely cool. 10:16 AM Comments? Qustions? Concerns?
Went on an annoying customer site this week on a last minute call-up. What a fucking joke. If anyone had bothered to do things right in the first place, I wouldn't have had to get on a fucking plane.Fuck, fuck, fuck. 9:34 AM Comments? Qustions? Concerns?
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 9:34 AM Comments? Qustions? Concerns?
I'm a bad man. Spank me, Charlie. 11:45 AM Comments? Qustions? Concerns?